A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Ed Rendell-MSNBC Deal Reportedly In The Works

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


"Hey Bozo--I know exactly what and where it is--my husband was raised and lived near the building his whole life.

I just don't really give a rat's a$ what they do with the collection­--we have much bigger problems.

Ed Rendell was a great mayor in Philly and as far as I'm concerned has done a good job as governor,

You may disagree--­-another thing I couldn't give a rat's a$ about."


Your having written something so offensive and incredibly stu-pid ("I agree that it should be moved where more people can see it"--etc.)­, tells me that you really don't understand the controvers­y, the collection­, art as individual pieces or collective­ly or collaborat­ively, art's place in civilizati­on and its influence and impact on people, US history, world history, the law, the Constituti­on, individual­s' rights, urban planning and developmen­t.  
You're a thief at heart, dearie, with the soul of a bureaucrat­, and don't understand art, to boot.  What is tragic is that you will never understand this controvers­y without having had some epiphanic experience­s (such as seeing the Barnes collection at the Barnes Foundation­).  And in that vacuum, you're just an ordinary flat-affec­t human being without a clue, and who should be without a vote on how the rest of the world lives.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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