A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Sen. Jon Kyl Raises Tax Hostage Scenario: Extend Bush Cuts For Payroll Tax Break

Monday, December 5, 2011

I agree, it's depressing­, and thank you for the exchange of ideas and feedback.   

The older I get, it's like I've seen this movie before, and all remakes of this movie.  I find myself surprised about being surprised that the more that things change, the more they remain the same.  
We're do have the power of choice, but I feel like I've been watching this 'car wreck' in slow motion for more than 30 years now, and I'm doubting that anything can prevent it from inevitably ending human civilizati­on on the planet.  And in my lifetime.  

I remember the blacklist, and the Korean War, and the civil rights marches, Mississipp­i,  George Wallace and desegregat­ion in Alabama. I remember how close we came to thermonucl­ear war with the Soviet Union, and the threat of Red China and Tito.  I remember how we on the left believed we had turned the corner when Nixon was banished from the public square and the Church committee.  We thought we could rest easy, that the government was back on track and working for the good of the People.  
What's happening now is different.  It's the end game.  Obama had more opportunit­ies than any leader in my lifetime to fix the situation, and he refused to act.  One example of just one of the 'perfect storms' that came together in 2008 and could have been used to solve a multitude of our problems (affordabl­e, quality medical care for everyone, job losses, etc.) and Obama chose to continue the status quo and serve the corporate elites.  

So many cans have been kicked down the road over the decades, and there's no more road.  The planet is swiftly running out of resources so we can't 'grow' our way out of this economic mess as we've done in the past.  The population has reached critical mass -- The planet can't support more people.  And we really can't survive many more years of corporate rulers.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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