A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

If It Ain't Broke, Break It

Thursday, December 22, 2011

If $19 a week (that drains Social Security and Medicare) is the best you and the rest of the Democrats in Congress and the White House can do for the 99%, Mr. Ellison, it's time for you to pack up and go home.  

If Republican­s are going to turn down anything Obama and Democrats put forth, why then aren't Obama and Democrats fighting for the BEST plan out there?  Everyone who has ever negotiated a contract knows this.  Every lawyer knows this.  You put everything on the table, and you don't take anything off unless and until you get something in return.  In poker parlance, Obama folds on a straight flush.

There should be tax HIKES on corporatio­ns and the rich.  There should be massive cuts to the military.  Banks should be threatened with nationaliz­ation unless they begin lending to small businesses­. There have been more than 3.5 million home foreclosur­es but there are 11 million more in the pipeline -- There must be principal write-down­s.

Why aren't Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Democrats talking about the Progressiv­e Caucus's budget and plan to balance the budget (reduces the deficit by $5.1 trillion)?  It beats Obama's AND Republican­s' plans.

As Krugman has said, the Progressiv­es' budget:

"balances the budget through higher taxes and defense cuts, plus some tougher bargaining by Medicare (and a public option to reduce the costs of the Affordable Care Act). The proposed tax hikes would fall on higher incomes, raising the cap on payroll taxes (takes care of Social Security's solvency forever)..­. and unlike the Ryan plan, it actually makes sense."
But Obama takes solutions that work for the People, the vast majority of Americans, off the table.  Whether it's ending Bush's tax cuts or the wars, the '14th Amendment Solution' (and it was, indeed, a legitimate option), etc., Obama kneecaps and handicaps the Democratic voters who put him and Democrats into power.  

Democratic politician­s should be beating this drum, loudlyconstantly, and pushing the People's Budget instead of working off of a set of corporate lobbyists' plans.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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