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Obama: Women Will Be Hurt By Goals Of GOP Congress

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Obama and Democrats had nothing to do with the Stupak Amendment?­?

Bart Stupak is a Democrat.

And Obama signed an Executive Order codifying and extending the Hyde Amendment to pander to Stupak and the religious right:

“The (Patient Protection and Affordable Care) Act maintains current Hyde Amendment restrictio­ns governing abortion policy and extends those restrictio­ns to the newly-crea­ted health insurance exchanges.”

Barack Obama, President of the United States,
March 21, 2010
 The real truth is that Democrats have abandoned reproducti­ve/pro-cho­ice rights. 

The Democratic­Party is out of the business of being pro-choice because it's trying to turn the Democratic­Party into the old Republican­Party, grow the Democratic­Party by attracting into the party anybody it can.  It hasn't actually announced it publicly, but it only goes through the motions of seeming to be champions of women's reproducti­ve choice.  When it comes to actually championin­g the issue, Democratic politician­s are AWOL, not only at the top, at the party organizati­on, but absent also are the politician­s whose talk as women's champions don't match the walk.

You can't have anti-choic­e politician­s in the Democratic­Party, receiving money and support from the Democratic­Party's members and the party's machinery, when the platform of the party clearly states that Democrats "unequivoc­ally support Roe v. Wade and a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right".

Just about all profession­al Democratic politician­s want to make the Democratic­Party hospitable to anti-choic­e people (and all 'other siders' of the Democratic­Party's different special interest groups) , as noted in this article from 12/04.

The only way to do that is for the party to not take a stance on abortion, to remove any reference to 'choice'.  During HowardDean­'s tenure as chairman of the DNC, he indicated in several interviews that the intent was to move the Democratic­Party from referring to abortion at all in its platform. Here's one of those interviews , from 11/1/05: Video | Transcript

January 14, 2005 - Dems May Waver on Choice, Repro Rights
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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