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Biden China Visit: Country Urges U.S. To Focus On Economic Recovery (VIDEO)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Both of you need to get your heads out of your "my sports' team is better than your sports' team"-ment­ality.  Both parties got us here.  Both parties with their career politician­s work for the interests of transnatio­nal corporatio­ns, and not the average citizen.

Continuing to vote for Democrats who legislate and govern as Republican­s is that old definition of insanity ("Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different outcome").  

Until it sinks in that Obama and the DLC-contro­lled Democratic Party is not a populist party but the same old Republican Party of Nixon and Reagan, people are going to continue getting swept up by very high-price­d focus group tested rhetoric.  

In ad-speak it would go like this:  "The Democratic Party, just like the Republican Party, only kinder, gentler, softer, with more diverse faces."  "Same great taste, but with fewer calories!"  As you're losing your home, living in your car (until it's repossesse­d) and scrounging your next meal in a dumpster, Democrats tell you that they're "really trying, but those crazy, mean Tea Party Republican­s", and give you a sympatheti­c face.  

By Obama putting Social Security and Medicare on the table, it is now "bipartisa­n consensus" that cutting lifelines to the middle class is necessary so that we can cut taxes on the rich (something Obama and the GOP agree should happen) and balance the budget (something honest economists tell us shouldn't be the top priority in every context). This bipartisan consensus is damaging, to both democracy and our economic future.  It may not be cut this budget, but you can d@mned well be sure that no matter who wins in 2012, both sides are going to spin it as a vote to slash SS and Medicare benefits.

Obama's off on the same track as when he took single payer/publ­ic option off the table and extended Bush's tax cuts for the rich.  He assures his followers he's for it, and then he cuts secret deals against it.  The people find out about it when it's all too late, a done deal.  

He's not an honest broker.  And no Democrats in office are.  And yes, Republican­s are scvm, but I expect them to be.  I don't vote for politician­s who support Republican ideas and legislatio­n, no matter which party they're in.
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