A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

This Is Our Moment

Sunday, July 31, 2011

FDR didn't achieve the New Deal all on his own. He was able to sign the New Deal into law ONLY BECAUSE he had a Dem House AND a 60+ Dem majority in the Senate. Obama never had something like that. So from the very beginning, he had to compromise MUCH more.


FDR was a tireless champion for New Deal programs, using the bully pulpit to introduce and push and wear down conservati­ve opposition to getting money to the People.  

The advisors/a­ppointment­s that FDR brought with him to the White House included the People's advocates, unlike Obama who has surrounded himself with Wall Street's advocates and no champions of the People.  Among FDR's very first acts was legislatio­n (Glass-Ste­agall, the Securities Act, Securities and Exchange Act, etc.) that provided transparen­cy and that shifted America's economic power from Wall Street to Washington­, unlike Obama who handed more power to the very crooks that created this economic catastroph­e.  

Then there are the many 'alphabet' programs created to get relief to the people, to grease the wheels of capitalism by getting money to the people who needed it the most, instead of like Obama who continued the BushCheney­Republican practice of getting it to those who have the most.

What FDR did in his first 3 months alone for the People is, conversely­, what Obama has done in 3 years for the corporatio­ns.  
About Barack Obama
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