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House Dems Scramble After Obama Insists On Grand Bargain

Friday, July 8, 2011

#2 - "YOU know Libya is NOT a war but is a NATO action and that the U.S military action ended after about 20 days.We now provide support, communicat­ion jamming, fuel, intelligen­ce, search and rescue. Other NATO forces are handling the ground...a­nd YOU know that we are bound by treaty to be involved when the Security Council calls for action."

The president can't commit the US military to any action without the US Congress signing off on it.  Period.

The War Powers Act is not triggered by a "war" or "troops on the ground", or "sustained fighting with enemy combants" or "put troops in direct harm", but rather "any case in which US Armed Forces are introduced into hostilitie­s".

NATO is the US.  Nothing comes out of NATO that isn't US directed.  The same is true for the UN.  The decision wasn't any 'coalition­' one.  It was straight out of the White House:

...[R]ight now it's all U.S.  It's U.S. commanded, U.S. led, U.S. military.  And when Admiral Mullen was talking about handing over command of the coalition, I was told, number one, well, "We're really not in any hurry to do that." And number two, it could be an American commander.

The US taxpayer is funding this adventure.  We can't even discuss, much less get Obama to release, the $31 billion that was lifted from Khadafy's money in US banks to pay for it.

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