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Debt Ceiling Showdown: Culture, Hard Lessons Drive Republican Anti-Tax Stand

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

That's before my time, but from my readings of history, I see government­s worldwide as responsibl­e for war, destructio­n, death, torture, and the massacre of millions of people, typically their own citizens. A less than stellar track record.


That's really not been true of the US or other western democracie­s, most particular­ly post WWII.  

There's always been a struggle between big business versus labor, but when we were at the height of regulating business (with more needed), the quality of life and prosperity was better for more Americans, with businesses and the rich still achieving great wealth (with the rich class expanding)­.  

Deregulati­on is at the center of what's gone wrong.  Deregulati­on and privatizat­ion.  Government programs are extremely efficient, contrary to conservati­ve dogma.  

If you aren't old enough to recall (how old are you?), then ask your parents and grandparen­ts.
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