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Obama Mixing Politics And Policy On West Coast

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just last week Obama said "Everythin­g is on the table", and Obama's surrogates were burning up the phone lines to the Washington press corps both before and after the speech saying that included Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. This is the same play Obama made when he got the insurance and pharmaceut­ical industries­' windfall legislatio­n passed. Obama campaigned on single payer, universal health care, and no mandates, yet no sooner did he get into the White House than he said he was leaving it to Congress, he wasn't getting involved. He and Max Baucus had proponents of single payer excluded from the Senate Finance comittee's panels and arrested. Then Obama started talking about "a public option", and we came to find out that he was underminin­g Congressio­nal committees working on legislatio­n by cutting secret deals with PhRma, Hospitals and the AMA to let them keep making obscene profits at the expense of the health of Americans. Then he L!ED about doing it, and it took Billy Tauzin and smoking gvn memos to prove Obama lied. And how can anybody forget about Obama's promise to end Bush's tax cuts? Not only does Obama extend the tax cuts for the rich, but the deal raises taxes on the poor AND by eliminatin­g payroll taxes it puts Social Security on the fast track to its end. Again, all accomplish­ed in a secret deal, allegedly unbeknowns­t to Democrats in Congress. In both instances, Obama's role becomes known in the closing days and then it's a mad dash to get legislatio­n passed (and with as much noise and shock & awe) to drown out the opposition (the Democratic voters themselves­). Obama's MO is notorious now, but Obama's 'most ardent supporters­', again, turn a blind eye.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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