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Female Foreign Correspondents' Code Of Silence, Finally Broken

Monday, February 21, 2011

1) We have no idea what happened.

2) To characteri­ze whatever did happen as "in the middle of town in front of everyone" isn't an accurate descriptio­n of whatever did take place.  It's not like Lara Logan and alleged assailants were on a stage in the middle of the square.  In a crowd that size, you could be standing one person away and not be aware of what's going on on the other side of that person.

3) I would argue that what's been going on in the Catholic church in cities and hamlets in the US and abroad for decades is very much raping kids in the middle of town in front of everyone, given how many inside the church knew what was going on.  Not only did they keep it secret and protect the rapists from prosecutio­n, they aided and abetted by assigning them new churches with fresh victims to prey upon.  

I can argue this any way you want:  As a rape by one out of view or in a crowd.  Or by many out of view or in a crowd.  

I can, and have, provided example after example, and can even add to the list: Central Park Jogger rape.  Kitty Genovese.  Just last year, Hugo Alfredo Tale-Yax.  And Simone Back.  Learn your Stanley Milgram.  And Raoul Hilberg.  

I doubt any of it will have an effect on you because you need a boogeyman and for you it's Muslims.
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