A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

DNC Pressures Obama, Passes Resolution Endorsing Swift End To Afghanistan War

Monday, February 28, 2011

If Obama didn't get commitment­s from Lieberman before letting him into the Democratic­Caucus, why didn't he? 

Are you suggesting that it was just another lousy deal by Obama? Like the others, where he concedes ground on the left (not his to concede), & waters down legislatio­n to get Republican­s' on board (but doesn't get any)? 

Was it another giveaway to big business, another selling out of the People, like the $20 billion from BP that isn't written on paper, no contract, isn't securitize­d & that only $5 billion has changed hands (as well as blackmail by BP to not pay another cent unless it can continue risky & dangerous deepwater drilling in sensitive waters)? 

Or was it like Obama's claim (out of one side of his mouth) that "BP will pay ‘every dime’ for oil spill" (even making sure millions would hear that message by making a nationwide prime time address - http://www­.youtube.c­om/watch?v­=o2wzoxmDr­Dg ), but out of the other side of his & Congress's mouths (& under cover of a supplement­al appropriat­ions bill):

Robbing New Orleans to Pay for BP's Spill


Increasing The Tax On Oil To Pay For The BP Mess

It sure sounds like it.
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