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Dennis Kucinich: Primary Challenge To Obama Could Make Him A 'Stronger Nominee'

Friday, February 11, 2011

But it's becoming harder for anyone to believe this idea, which was always a fiction to begin within. A year ago, Obama commented on the $26 million in bonuses received by Lloyd Blankfein and Jamie Dimon (the CEOs of JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs) by saying, "I know both those guys; they are very savvy businessme­n." Yale literature professor David Bromwich noted his "artless pride in the fact that he moves in their circles." Of Obama, Bromwich concluded, "It is not that he is in [the bankers'] pocket. They are in his heart."

And there is only so much room in the human heart, despite what we might tell ourselves. Worse, some affections are mutually exclusive. Sitting atop the power structure of the world's sole empire, amidst a painful recession that is further fueling a one-sided class war, Obama no longer has room in his heart for the millions of workers, poor, and youth who put such hopes in his presidency­. It's a question worth asking whether he ever did. I'm afraid the various concession­s Obama has made on his ascent to power have clogged his arteries. The diagnosis is grim: he has Ronald Reagan in his heart.
I can imagine that it's painful for many to admit that perhaps hopes in Obama, who inspired such admiration­, were misplaced. But if we're to figure out how to change the dire situation facing this country, we need to understand the power structure, the nature of the Democratic Party, and the influence of corporate money over the political system. Real change starts with an honest diagnosis.

Obama must be primaried.  And he must not get the nomination.
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