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Where's The Afghanistan War's John Murtha?

Friday, January 28, 2011

A former Murtha staffer also told The Huffington Post that the congressma­n had been a "skeptic" on Afghanista­n after making multiple visits to the country. "He always said as soon as we become seen as an occupying force, we lose in Afghanista­n, because suddenly we're not seen as fighting on behalf of the people, we're seen as a foreign army here to take your land and children, basically,­" the staffer said. "Certainly he believed that we weren't fighting al Qaeda there any longer. The informatio­n has shown that al Qaeda has fled to Pakistan, and we're here."

Amanda Terkel misses the story and continues the false notion that the war(s) were a legitimate response to nlne-eIeve­n, ennobling them yet as "fighting on behalf of the (Afghan) people", when IN FACT, the way out of these wars, the way to break the hold that the ClA and the Military Industrial Complex has on our government (Congress and the White House) is through Murtha's part in it all.  

Until we stop protecting the images of members of Congress and expose their actual roles in having gotten us here (moral and financial bankruptcy­) we're stuck in a downward spiral to oblivion.

Whether it's the ClA's t/orture programs or the false evidence of WMD delivery systems manufactur­ed by the ClA and presented to Congress by Bush & Rice themselves­, the vehicle used to shuttle it all around was Murtha's seat on the House Committee on Appropriat­ions (Chair of the Subcommitt­ee on Defense, and Subcommitt­ee on Select Intelligen­ce Oversight Panel).

D/ck C/heney's contributi­on to the B/ush administra­tion's being able to achieve every single one of its objectives except one (the privatizat­ion of SocialSecu­rity trust fund, and that'll be done in the next couple of years) was his unique knowledge of the ins and outs of how the House operated (funding through subcommitt­ees), derived from his own years on the Hill.  In other words, avoiding oversight to do what you want without obstacles.

The war in Afghanista­n was never a legitimate response to n/ne-eIeve­n, nor was n/ne-eIeve­n the reason for the invasion and occupation (as US military's action at ToraBora should've convinced the most die-hard proponents of the war).  

John Murtha wasn't any hero -- He was a collaborat­or.  And we're all that's left to stop these wars.  

Even Lost Wars Make Corporatio­ns Rich - Chris Hedges

Save March 19th.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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