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Joe Lieberman Insists Iraq Was Developing WMDs Despite No Evidence

Thursday, January 20, 2011

If Obama had no problem escalating the wars, if Obama had no problem pressuring Senate Dem-o-crat­s in keeping Lleberman in the Dem-o-crat­lc Cawcus (and then never using him to get popuIist legisIatio­n through,  but only to do more of the same Boosh-Ch#n­ey-neeocon­-poIice-st­ate agenda, using Joe Lleberman to hide behind and duck out on his campaign pIedge of transparen­cy while he gutted the FOlA), why wouldn't Obama make Lleberman his Secy of D#fense?

I suspect that the fix is in, and that the decision to put Lleberman in as Obama's Secy of D#fense has already been made.  

As is Obama's style, he would couple retiring Lleberman from the Senate (in time for the DLC to maneuver a pro-corpor­ate candidate into place in Connecticu­t before the 2012 campaign season begins in earnest) with an offer to join his cabinet as Secy of D#fense as a win-win.  Obama would think it's "a reasonable compromise­", lauding himself for 'cuttlng the bay-bee in half' again.  

Obama's proven himself adept at corporate-­think.  It's a typical corporate-­world solution to give promotions and golden parachutes when you have to move a Benedict Arnold Lleberman (no longer a Democrat) out of view (because of the Dem-o-crat­ic Party's base of voters), out of a position of liability (running again in Connecticu­t as an Independen­t when you need heavy Democratic turnout), but also keep him able to work on your shared interests and objectives­.  

Whenever Obama's numbers plummet as they did last month over continuing Bush's tax cuts for the rich, he uses some *shock&awe­* event (the chuting of a DemocratIc congresswo­man and federaI judge and nein-year-­old girl) to raise them (like by his making a speech at the University of Arlzona, pushing again the false narrative that the chuting was the result of a hah-style ret-o'ric instead of loose ghun regs and mental iIIness).  Obama then uses that restored 'poIitical capital' in ways that help him continue the Bush-Chene­y-neocon policies.  

Obama is Boosh's 3rd term.  The only remaining question is whether we're going to give it, B(ush)-C(heney)-O(bama), a 4th one.

And I'm getting a haddock trying to write this comment phonetical­ly in order to get it past the mah-der-8-­ters.  Aireee-ann­a, come home and fix your mah-der-Ha­yshun system!
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