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WikiLeaks' Online Presence Imperiled By Attacks

Saturday, December 4, 2010

At least one government agency - The Social Security Administra­tion - is warning employees that even browsing Wik!leaks could be a criminal offense.

The Progressiv­e Review has received a copy of an email sent to staffers with the subject line, "Informati­on Security Bulletin: WIK!LEAKS.­"

Here's the threat:

"Earlier this year a large amount of United States government classified informatio­n was illegally released to the public website WIK!LEAKS. The documents on WIK!LEAKS could place military personnel and United States supporters in Iraq and Afghanista­n at an increased risk of harm. 

"Despite these documents being publicly accessible over the internet, the documents remain classified and SSA employees should not access, download, or transmit them. Individual­s may be subject to applicable federal criminal statutes for unlawful access to or transmissi­on of classified informatio­n."

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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