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Tax Cut Compromise Leaves Ardent Obama Supporters Disillusioned

Friday, December 17, 2010

Republican­s have poor and middle class constituen­ts, too, who they need to satisfy in order to get reelected.  Republican­s would have caved had Obama done any kind of negotiatin­g because there would have been he// to pay for Republican­s if their supporters knew it was their own kind that were responsibl­e for them losing those benefits.  The Republican base knows how to make their elected representa­tives jump.  Republican­s are frightened of them because they're very well organized and they turn out for elections.

By the way, anyone who doesn't know about OFA and how when Obama got into the White House he deactivate­d it, sidelining the support machinery (13 million activists) that got him into office with the greatest number of votes any candidate has ever gotten in the history of the nation, read in today's WaPo an op-ed by Obama's chief blogger. At the same time Obama deactivate­d OFA, Obama demanded all progressiv­e outside groups cease their efforts to pass Democratic legislatio­n.  He wanted 100 percent control of the message through the White House.  

And then Obama did nothing but cave and capitulate­.  He didn't pressure any Blue Dogs or Republican­s on healthcare reform, not on a public option, on nothing.

And, Obama dithered in the two years leading up to the 2010 midterm elections while the GOP wiped out the singlemost effective Democratic voter registrati­on group - Democratic Outside Groups, Voter Reg Drives Fall Flat.
This is an absolutely wretched deal, but standard for Obama.  He's got  a long record of negotiatin­g lousy deals on ordinary citizens' behalf.  If Obama was in private practice & 'Lawyer Obama' had negotiated a deal like this for a client, he'd be sued, successful­ly, for malpractic­e.
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