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Chris Matthews: Why Doesn't Obama Demand A Copy Of His Birth Certificate? (VIDEO)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Are you saying that you're psychic? 

You can only know that if and when all informatio­n is provided.  

In 2008, Claire McCaskill (who was Obama's national campaign chair) sponsored a non-bindin­g resolution in the Senate to declare John McCain a natural born citizen.  I have little doubt that had McCain won instead of Obama, 0bamabots would be raising the same issues that Birthers are raising today.  If Obama is trying to be a president to all of the people, work in the spirit of bipartisan­ship, then blowing off citizens who have doubts you're even legally entitled to the job seems an odd way to go about it. If you want respect, you have to give respect and address the questions that people have. That's the way you put it to rest; you meet the people where they are and you earn trust by showing people you're listening to them.

In the bigger scheme of things, this is not a big request.  It's pretty d@mned basic.
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