A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

And So Begins The Comeback Narrative

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Your comments are filled with such misinforma­tion, I think it's important not to let them go unaddresse­d, as if they're facts.

Yes, the "voter's (sic) are freaking tired of this politico (sic) game BS", which is why it's criminal that Obama has gamed this to make people like you believe he's done all that he can.  

Your line, that "People, companie's etc.... Need know what their taxes will be for 2011 so they can plan" is an abzurd GOP talking point.  Nobody "plans" for their taxes in that manner.  At least learn what the talking point means if you're going to mindlessly repeat it.  What you meant to imply is that if the richest 1% got to keep Bush's tax cuts, it would create jobs.  It wouldn't.  It hasn't.  The rich have had these tax breaks for ten years and they haven't created any jobs.  We have had to borrow, you and me paying so that the rich could invest overseas, in foreign companies, outsourcin­g Americans' jobs.  We will be paying the interest only for decades on what has been borrowed to give the rich these tax cuts.  

Bush Tax Cuts Not Important for US Economy", says White House economic advisor Larry Summers

To end tax cuts that were never paid for, that never created one job in all the 10 years we've been borrowing from China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, to pay for them, is NOT "raising taxes"  -- It's stopping the flow of red ink.

Here's the 'Rule of Thumb' about when tax cuts make sense:  When a nation's bills are paid.  When the nation is in surplus.  When a tax cut requires a nation to borrow more money, adding to the deficit, increasing the national debt, that's robbing the People to give to the rich.  Average Americans, our children, grandchild­ren, great-gran­dchildren, for generation­s to come, are getting stuck with this bill.

Working Americans are tired of paying for the parties of the rich.  

If I'm paying for bathtubs full of Dom Perignon, I'd better d@mned well be the one soaking in it.

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