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Keith Olbermann SUSPENDED From MSNBC Indefinitely Without Pay

Friday, November 5, 2010

Perhaps Phil Griffin would like to hire Jon Stewart to replace Olbermann, now that Stewart seems to have become the ad officio press secretary for the Obama administration:

Stewart Takes On Media's Insistence That Obama 'Doesn't Get It'

http://www.huf fingtonpos­t.com/2010­/11/05/ste­wart-takes­-on-the-me­di_n_77936­8.html

That, on the heels of this:

Why Did Tim Geithner Hold An Undisclosed Meeting With Jon Stewart Last April?



What did Geithner & Stewart talk about, what was so secret that only a TV personality can know & not all citizens in this democratic republic?

What is with these secret meetings, where the Obama administration is trying to work the media? They did it with Paul Krugman, Rachel Maddow, & others. After Rachel's confab, she was no longer challenging Obama & Max Baucus on air about a public option -- She was actively tamping down expectations, talking about a public option in the past tense, & pushing for the bill.

Something is very wrong when an administration reneges on pledges of transparency, shuts down access to documents & government officials, gets legislation that guts FOIA and then meets in secret with popular media personalities to sell its spin to the public.

How about the administration talking to We The People, directly? How about the transparency we were promised?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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