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Jeffrey Rosen: TSA Pat-Downs And Body Scans Are Unconstitutional

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Corporations attempt all kinds of abuses that enable them to make money with no risk, but that doesn't mean that it's legal.  That includes airline companies, and unless and until they are stopped through the courts, they get away with it.  And as long as you put up with it, it won't be long before you won't be able to fly on an airplane unless you agree to this.

Right now, we have 2 branches of government that are colluding with the airline industry to do just that:  To deny some people their Constitutional rights to travel freely (no-fly lists), and to deny other people Constitutional rights to be secure in their persons to travel freely, without restriction.  Without probable cause, which does not mean "because some people have done it, it's ok to presume anyone could do it, so we can violate anyone's and everyone's 4th amendment rights".

Congress is passing some really cr@zy ch!t, and the executive branch (TSA) is coming up with some really violative unConstitutional directions­/regulatio­ns, and they do it because of people like those posting here defending these scanners and probes.  Really stup!d people, so frightened and ill-informed, that they don't even know that the 'fixes' wouldn't fix what they're so frightened of.  

Congress is doing it for a couple of reasons, money being the first reason.  After that, members of Congress are relieved that the onus is off them, that you won't throw them out of office for not making you feel safe (notice, you're not any safer, but you just think you are).  Members of Congress are relieved that they've bought themselves some time by kicking the can down the road to the Courts.  "Let the Courts decide that what we've done is unConstitutional; we're off the hook until then."   Very few members of Congress fly commercial, so they aren't subject to these invasions into their privacy and health risks.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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