A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Gay Rights Activists Accuse Obama Of Silent Homophobia (VIDEO)

Monday, November 15, 2010

whitebeach   2 minutes ago (5:46 PM)

"It's not Obama and the Democrats in Congress who are opposing repeal of DADT. It's the Republicans, almost universally, and particularly the Republicans in the Senate, where the rules allow their minority to prevent repeal. How you can continually fail to see this is a mystery."


Obama and Democrats are not doing everything in their power.  Not now, now that the House has fallen to Republican control, and certainly not before the midterms, or when Obama came into power on 1/20/09 and Democrats controlled both chambers of Congress.

Right before the midterms I asked commenters here if they thought Democrats would be as effective at obstructing Republicans as the Republicans as the minority party have been these past 4 years at obstructing Democrats.  Not one said yes.

Obama's been giving silent approval and aid to Republicans by not taking to the bully pulpit over this and all issues important to Democratic voters.  

Obama could certainly sign a stop-loss order (read my previous comments here and here before you give me the standard knee-j3rk response about a new president overturning it).

As AxelDC said:
This was an obvious case for reconcilia­tion.  The bill is the DoD budget, and reconcilliation is to avoid filibusters on budget issues.  The House overwhelmingly passed it, the Senate had 57 votes, and Reid and Obama refused to push it through.

What about a stop-loss order on Day 1?  Obama has that authority and Congress would have to override him.

Instead, he thought he would be too clever by half and predictibly fail in the Senate and hope the public would punish Republicans for it.  Didn't quite work out that way did it?  Either pass it in reconciliation in December or the courts will have to do what Obama refuses to do.

The audicity of campaigning, the timidity of governing. 

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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