A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Welfare, Weakened In Clinton Years, Now A Key Piece Largely Missing From Economic Safety Net

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The biggest mistake was when Obama tried to get things done on a bipartisan basis.  That turned out to be a big waste of time.

Obama hasn't seen the light; he's still doing it.  

Obama hasn't sworn off 'bipartisanship'.

For all of his tough rhetoric of the last couple of weeks (and I don't think it's tough at all -- it's show-talk), it's only directed at a specific faction of the Republican Party -- The teabaggers.  He hasn't taken on the actual Republican leadership, the Mitch McConnells, John Boehners, Eric Canters, John McCains, Lindsay Grahams, et al.  

What do you think Obama is going to do after the election in just a few weeks if Republicans take control of one or both Houses of Congress? 

Do you think he'll veto the legislation they pass (through reconciliation and every other means they can manage)? Do you think Obama will take to the bully pulpit, urge Americans to bury Republicans in email, phone calls, snail mail, and urge Democrats to block Republicans every way possible? 

Or do you think that Obama's going to be making deal after deal with them, spinning what he can as somehow "Good for the People and Democrats", and/or, "I'm president of all the People, and the People in their infinite wisdom put Republicans in the majority, so I must honor their wishes and work with Republicans, and not try to obstruct their will"?

Do you think he'll blame his lack of spine in standing up to the Republicans in the coming two years on the Democratic base (should the base sit out the 2010 election or should the base vote for the independent?).  "It's all their fault, the liberals, for holding me and DLC-Democrats to account for not keeping our promises"?  And will you believe that?

And what if Democrats keep control of Congress?  Do you think Obama's to have a change of heart, stop watering down bills, stop looking for bipartisan support, or is he going to keep flip-flopping on his campaign promises, and say that the election was a referendum on his flip-flopping, and voters want him to do more of the same?

What are you expecting from Obama and a Democratically-controlled Congress this next two years?
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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