A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama Rally In Chicago (LIVE VIDEO): President Hopes To Energize Voters Ahead Of Elections

Sunday, October 31, 2010

"When informed of the issues, most Americans agree with liberal policies."

When informed by medical scans how quickly a fetus gains their vital organs and is clearly a living "thing", no matter what you call it, an abortion is taking a life. You can say "well other humans have said that is OK, so I am off the hook, but what morality is that? The selfish, in many instances, precludes that life, choosing one's own welfare at the expense of another. Indeed one's own flesh and blood.

In this instance alone recent polls have shown that on abortion, your premise is incorrect. I would hesitate in future to start with that premise.


Why would I hesitate to start with that premise? Polls support it. Here's one, & I can give you many more:


And you prove my point: You can't even discuss this issue in any way other than trying to inject your emotional bias & make claims which have no basis in fact.

If you've got a poll that's phrased as you claim, a poll that supports that belief of yours, I'd love to see the polling data and the methodology.

Most Americans do NOT want the government involved should they find themselves in the predicament of an unwanted pregnancy.
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