A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Obama On Daily Show: Change 'Not Going To Happen Overnight'

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh, toots, I've seen your little website. It's amusing, and as deceptive as the man himself. And you, too, apparently.

Before you imply someone is a rightwinger, do some research. I'm an old liberal Democrat, and I don't watch Fox.

For example:

"Ordered $20 billion escrow fund by BP to reimburse lost incomes in Gulf."

Obama didn't "order" chit.

Obama did what Obama's done several times now -- Negotiated very bad deals for the American people, without any TEETH!

For example, that deal isn't worth the paper it's written on. Oh wait: IT'S NOT WRITTEN ON ANY PAPER!

It's taken months to get BP to give the first installment ($3 billion), and it's short. It's also non-securitized deal.

AND, BP is blackmailing the Obama administration, saying that unless it's allowed to continue risky, dangerous offshore drilling in sensitive waters (like where we rely on 40% of our seafood), BP won't pay another dime.

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