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Obama Defines Midterm Election Goals On The Campaign Trail

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

You're another one who just can't accept that Obama may not be what you think he is, and that you got punk'ed.

You did not answer the question, and it looks like you're setting up the election as a way to justify Obama's moving even farther to the right, trying even more caving to Republicans for the sake of 'bipartisanship'. You would cut off your own nose to spite your own face, rather than hold Obama to account to what he promised, and do the job that is that of a president.

Whether "the people let him down" or not (and I think that's one of the more ridiculous excuses I've heard around here), it would explain why Obama's been continuing just about all of Bush's policies, going Bush-Cheney one better on asserting unitary executive powers for himself (preventive detention, murdering Americans without due process or oversight, etc., continuing rendition and t0rture, cloaking it all in the 'State Secrets'-Act). That's why voters are turning their backs on Obama & Democrats.
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