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Little-Noticed Bill Could Make It Harder To Challenge Foreclosures

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Obama never pressured any Blue Dog, by their own admission. The Democratic leadership has all kinds of tools it can use to keep loyalty within the caucus, from taking away committee chairs of members that join with Republicans to filibuster or take away reelection funds coming election time, etc., but it hasn't used any of them because Lieberman & BlueDogs (& Republicans) provide cover to Obama & the DLC-controlled Democratic Party, to let them continue to serve corporate interests over the interests of the People.

Since Obama has gotten into office, he's continued most of Bush's policies & his 'accomplishments' are being spun as "reform" when, in fact, they're Republican in nature.  There could be 100 "progressives" in the Senate & 435 in the House, & they & Obama would still find a way to deliver to corporations instead of the People.  And then try to blame it on Republicans.

It's way past time to get the DLC-Democrats out of office, out of the Democratic Party, and put real Democrats in.  That's what we thought we were doing when we put Obama in over HillaryClinton.  But in came Obama who put the Clinton team into the WhiteHouse, and not one liberal in his administration.  He actually kept liberals neutralized for close to a year, with vague promises and nomination paralysis (waiting to be confirmed, where they weren't free to speak out about his Republican-ways.  No recess appointments, just half-hearted excuses).  The only ones who Obama is tough with is the DemocraticParty's base.  So either he's corrupt or he's inept, and can only be powerful beating up on his own.  Whichever it is, corrupt or inept, the American people lose out.  
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