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How The Controversial Foreclosure Bill Made It Through Congress With No Public Debate

Friday, October 8, 2010

Harry Reid cut a deal less than 48 hours after this bill was passed by voice vote with Mitch McConnell who wanted to prevent Obama making any recess appointments during the recess when Congress goes home to campaign and vote by keeping the senate unadjourned, in session pro forma. It was seen at the time as another of Reid's spineless moves, for why would he help McConnell block Obama? The number of 'gimmes' that Reid got in exchange was nominal. With this notary bill, we may have the explanation now for why Reid did it.


The senate defines everything that it does, and can choose to ignore itself or not. With this much negative attention focused on what looks to be legislation that Democrats and Republicans hoped would just sneak past everyone's notice, Democrats may choose to ignore that they were, legally, in session and that Obama's not signing it means it becomes law.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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