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Gen. Hugh Shelton: Bush Officials Pushed For Iraq War 'Almost To The Point Of Insubordination' (VIDEO)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

By the way, you won't see any real liberal defend Bill Clinton on his Iraq policies, the daily bombings, or much of anything else that Clinton did.

Clinton wasn't a liberal. As Alan Greenspan said, "Bill Clinton was the best Republican president we've had in a while."

Conservatives' continual posting of Bill Clinton's policies as some sort of defense for what Bush & Cheney did (shouldn't that be a clue to you that Clinton wasn't a liberal?) only goes to show that conservatives don't know what they're talking about.

No Democratic Party operative is going to clarify the issue for you because ALL political operatives thrive on not clarifying issues, keeping voters in a state of confusion.

Most Hillary and Bill supporters think that the Clintons are liberals. Most of the Clinton supporters don't know what the DLC is. Most have a romantic view of the Clintons that conveniently ignores Clinton policies that no self-respecting liberal would associate themselves with.
About Iraq
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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