A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

DNC Raises $16 Million In September

Monday, October 4, 2010

Obama didn't get a public option because that was the deal that he made, undercutting the congressional committees working on healthcare reform.

If Obama really wanted Joe Lieberman's vote, he would have done to Lieberman and the Blue Dogs what he did to Dennis Kucinich.

What did Obama do when Kucinich (the last hold-out on the Progressive Caucus, all of whom had pledged to vote for a healthcare bill only if it had a public option, and who all caved) was opposing him to the left.  Obama flew to Cleveland and held a big rally.  Obama rallied Kucinich's constituents against him and he got Kucinich's vote.  

Where was that mentality with Joe Lieberman, Blanche Lincoln, the other Blue Dogs and even Olympia Snowe?  If the president of the United States had used the bully pulpit against them, a lot of progressives would have respected that and said, "You tried your best".  

But Obama didn't try.  He cut a deal.  Months earlier, cutting the will of the People off at the knees.  The public was powerless in the backroom deal.
Obama never pressured JoeLieberman, Ben Nelson or Blanche Lincoln, or any Blue Dog. That's by their own admission. The Democratic leadership could've taken away committee chairs of members in their caucus that joined with Republicans and threatened to filibuster a public option for healthcare. 

The DNC could've taken away reelection funds. But it hasn't. Because Lieberman & Blue Dogs (& Republicans) provide cover to Obama & the DLC-controlled Democratic Party, to let them continue to serve corporate interests over the interests of the People.
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