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Arianna To Progressives, Middle Class: Obama's Not That Into You

Thursday, September 30, 2010

There was never any chance of that happening.

Obama provided the different congressional committees working on healthcare bills with specifics that he wanted to see in the legislation ("doesn't add to the deficit", for example), but how Congress achieved it was up to Congress.  

People began noticing that Obama was waffling on his pledges (public option, no mandates) at which point Obama threw his "transparency"-pledge under the bus, and went to work undercutting all of the congressional committees working on healthcare reform legislation except one: The Senate Finance Committee.

Through that committee's chairman, Max Baucus, Obama set the terms for the bill that would ultimately be adopted into law, by eliminating single payer universal health care from consideration and all advocates of public health care. No seat at the table.

And THEN, Obama cut secret deals with hospitals, insurance companies and PhRma on profits, and L!ED about it when it was discovered:





http://www.huf fingtonpost.com/2009/08/13/internal-memo-confirms-bi_n_258285.html

http://www.alternet.org/story/141856/obama's_$80_billion­_deal_with _pharma_is _a_very_ba­d_deal_for­_us/
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