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President Obama Speaks to New Orleans From Planet Zarg

Sunday, August 29, 2010

It's not on my say-so, and had you done some research you would know that.

The feds (FEMA & all federal monies, the disaster response, the reconstruction, all of the programs related to them, all post-disaster policies, for medical needs, hospitals, schools, etc.) gave out money in a near equal share to Louisiana as it gave to Mississippi, in spite of the fact that Louisiana had 75% of the damage done by Katrina and Mississippi had 23%.


Louisiana was asking that the relief dollars flow in proportion to the damage.

Mississippi has gotten a disproportionate amount of relief dollars simply because at the time of Katrina, Republicans controlled the White House and Congress, and a Republican was governor of Mississippi and a Democrat was governor of Louisiana. What happened with Republicans in power was a political response, and not a humanitarian response.

Nothing's changed with Democrats in power.
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