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Obama Won't Say 'Mission Accomplished' In Iraq Speech

Monday, August 30, 2010

It's not support that causes Obama to do that.

It's falling support for his Republican-like, pro-Bush policies that does that.

When are you going to hold Obama accountable? When are you going to demand that Obama open a complete investigation into the BushAdministration lies to war, torture policy & human rights violations; force the government to stop the sneak & peek practices against American citizens under penalty of felony charges for all involved; publish an executive order forbidding phone companies to cooperate with wiretapping without a legal court order; issue sanctions saying that non-compliance will be criminally prosecuted & grant civil reparations to people whose rights have been violated; pressure Congress to repeal the Patriot Act in it's entirety; disband the Department of Homeland Security; remove all military personal from Iraq; order the withdrawal all American military from Afghanistan; stop all offensive operations; tell Harry Reid to force Republicans to filibuster or remove fillibuster procedures from the Senate rules; get Americans REAL healthcare reform?
About Barack Obama
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