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Obama's Religion: Christianity 101 For The Willfully Ignorant

Thursday, August 26, 2010

How ethical is this?

The photo the other day of Obama & his daughter swimming "in the Gulf of Mexico" so that people would travel to the Gulf states to spend their vacation dollars there. Only it wasn't the Gulf of Mexico. But he had no problem lying through his teeth with that charade, assuring People that they shouldn't have any concerns about swimming in the waters of the Gulf coast states ("Look, I'm even putting my own kid in the Gulf water -- How dangerous could it be?"). HE USED HIS OWN DAUGHTER IN THIS SHAM! http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/president-goes-for-a-swim-in-the-gulf-ndash-or-does-he-2053567.html

It showed he has no problem Iying through his teeth to the American people, on matters of our lives, our health, and our de@th. The man's a double-talk con artist, urging people to swim in the water, eat the seafood without adequate testing!

Obama's handling of everything, not just the blowout in the Gulf, has been scandalous. Not only a continuation of Bush-Cheney policies, but he's gone Bush-Cheney even better.
About Barack Obama
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