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Existing Homes Sales PLUNGE To 15-Year Low

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The reason why "banks must be forced to sell homes in their inventories of foreclosures (instead of sitting on them, refusing to lower their prices)" is also why the economy is going to get much worse, with more people losing their jobs (and those people losing their homes, etc., etc., etc.).

Banks don't pay property taxes for those homes they've foreclosed on.

Cities/states can't run without property taxes, and more people will lose their jobs. More cities/states will fall into disrepair (cities are already bulldozing roads because they can't maintain them).

We're on a downward spiral, and all that Obama has done is slow it down. We the People would like to believe that we put him into power to fix it, but in truth, Obama was put into power by the Establishment Elites to ease the People into a Depression. To keep capitalism intact, and the rich rich. Keeping the American people ig.no.rant of the full picture isn't helping anyone but the Establishment Elites..
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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