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DOJ Foot-Dragging On Prison Rape Unites Left-Right Coalition

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

That's becoming less likely in the US for all (except the super-rich whites).

As resources become even scarcer in the US, much less the world, you're going to be seeing the breakdown of this society take place over the course of weeks, not even years. Just in the past 10 years, because of 9/11, laws were put into place to criminalize behaviors that have nothing to do with terr0rism, but anticipated this breakdown in culture and the scarcity of goods.

Prison itself is now a growth industry. Privatized, with shares being traded on the stock exchange. No guarantee of Constitutional rights being upheld because the government won't be running them. Bologna sandwiches on Wonder white bread twice a day. Next to no medical treatment. Overcrowded cells (even now, your space is 6'x8'x3').

Liberals have been trying to tell you about it.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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