A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Sen. Cardin: Dems, Obama Never Connected BP Spill To The Need For Climate Change Legislation

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Look son, I'm pro-choice.

I know a lot of pro-choice people who ae uncomfortable with abortion. I know some pro-lifers who don't feel right butting into other peoples lives.

It's an issue a lot of people grapple with, but we don't need to write 100 page essay about it.

As long as Obama appoints SC justices who are likely to uphold Woe V. Wade, I'm good with it.


That's because you're an id-jit, who doesn't understand the problem.

#1, there is no guarantee of what any Obama nominee would decide on Roe vs. Wade, nor does it address the problem of more than 20 years of rightwingers chipping away at a woman's right to choose.

What good is having the right to an abortion if there's no place to actually get one?

Currently, 87% of counties in the US have no abortion services. That's what complacent a$$holes like you have let happen.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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