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General George Casey: US Could Be At War For Another Decade

Saturday, July 10, 2010

MADDOW: And it is just all spread out and ripped open. And people are going through it to see if there‘s anything valuable in the trash?

ENGEL: Yes. I mean, kids - here are some kids right here. They go through it. And it is quite sad. I mean, they‘ll go to through it and pick through anything that can be recycled or used again - or of any value, metal things. So in a way, it is its own environmental - but it shows there is a lot of poverty here.

MADDOW: Yes. This corner is like the microcosm of the war. This and this -

ENGEL: And these kids.

MADDOW: And us, too, because we‘re here as Americans covering this because of the American initiative here that created the economy that made this all possible.

Watch the interview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR5BHnN__5M

Americans are losing our Social Security, Medicare, police, firemen, teachers, and we're going into debt to China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, that even our grandchildren won't be able to pay off, for wars to protect an oil pipeline that Americans don't derive any benefit from, don't get profits from, but that Dick Cheney, the Bush family, the Establishment Elites, all get profits from.
About Afghanistan
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