A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Deepwater Horizon Inspections: MMS Skipped Monthly Inspections On Doomed Rig

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How are the Japanese doing nuclear?

Like everybody else, the Japanese are doing nuclear badly.

They have a reprocessing plant that's been closed down because of fire and explosion, have had nuclear power plant accidents (the Japanese people aren't very happy about nuclear), and I understand that France and Great Britain reprocess or recover plutonium from Japan's nuclear waste.

Japan is building another reprocessing plant, planning "deep geological burial", but that could mean they'll continue to dump it in the ocean (everybody's doing it) or hopes on some crevice or Yucca. Treaties like NAFTA allow for other nations to dump in the US, and given how we're being driven into bankruptcy, it won't be long before we're a third world nation and the 'Bikini Island' for our creditors.




Reprocessed nuclear waste shipment to pass by Philippine waters:

About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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