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'Lame Duck' Becomes Bird Of Prey

Friday, November 19, 2010

Out of one side of your mouth, you doubt I'm a liberal, and out of the other side of your mouth you admit that the left opposes Obama and the DLC-controlled Democrats (there is no "far left" in the Democratic Party -- Any "far left" are OUTSIDE of the Democratic Party).

Guess who didn't show up for Democrats at the midterm elections?

Independents and liberal Democrats.

The DLC has been working to move the Democratic Party to the right of right-of-center, and make the Democratic Party warm and cozy for moderate Republicans who feel pressured by the fringe rightwing that's controlling the Republican Party.

The DLC believes that if we, the base of the Democratic Party (we on the left make up 70% of Democratic voters) can be driven from the Democratic Party, then moderate Republican politicians and their supporters will vote for DLC-Democrats (at the very least) or join the Democratic Party.
About Lame Duck Session
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