A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Dems Vow To Push Filibuster Reform

Friday, November 19, 2010

With Nancy Pelosi back as the minority leader in the House, and Reid undoubtedly continuing as the Senate Majority Leader, Obama and the Democratic Party have recon­stituted themselves, ready to give Democratic voters more of the same of the past 4 years (since Pelosi and Reid took over both chambers of Congress in 2006).  Their spin, that the election was a mandate for Obama's continuing to cave to Republicans, 'bipartisanship', etc., and Congress delivering Republican-like legislation with Democrats giving the appearance of objecting, is sealed.  

Just as I predicted.

The only way that can happen, failed leaders being returned to power, is if the results of the last two years are EXACTLY what the powers-that-be within the Democratic Party intended.  

Trying to change the (DLC-controlled) Democratic Party's congressional leadership is like trying to break up mercury and keep the droplets apart.  The DLC-controlled leadership is like the Terminator, working against the People, working against getting corporate interests out of government, and against getting real reforms into place.

I'm convinced that the only solution to getting the nation back on track and out of the hands of the oligarchs (if it's even possible at this point) is going to have to come from outside of the Democratic Party.
About Harry Reid
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