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Bush On Leno: George W. Bush Jokes About Exit Strategy, Drinking (VIDEO)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Just a reminder about Democratic support at the time:

Bush got the AUMF (Authorization to Use Military Force in Iraq) from Congress based on his assurances that it was only to bolster his 'bullying Saddam Hussein'-s­trategy, and that he would go back to the UN for its authorization and come back to Congress before he did anything.  

Bush did neither.

Let's also remember that among Bush's many l!es in those chaotic days (chaos he and Cheney created to prevent clear thinking and decision-making, by both members of Congress, the media and the American people), was that Saddam Hussein had thrown UN weapons inspectors out of Iraq (he hadn't -- It was Bush who advised UN weapons inspectors to leave Iraq, as war was imminent (Bush, you may recall, was "loosing his patience" with Saddam and making all sorts of claims about Saddam and WMD that the inspectors were saying wasn't true).

And, lastly, let's also remember that Bush's ultimatum about regime change in Iraq (who the h3ll was Bush to be issuing ultimatums about a sovereign country?) and giving Saddam Hussein 48 hours to leave the country actually got the result Bush was claiming to want.  Saddam agreed to exile.  But that wasn't what Bush (and the Arab League) wanted, and so he ignored it, pretended it hadn't happened, and went ahead with the war.  All of this was unbeknownst to and out of the oversight of Congress (it's important to also remember John Bolton ordering NSA intercepts on members of our government at that time).

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