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Bush Tax Cuts: The Fight Obama Can't Ignore

Friday, November 19, 2010

No, it's not their own money.

It costs to live in a stable democratic culture.  It benefits the rich far more than it does the poor and middle class.  

In the last 40 years, corporations and the rich have gotten a sweet sweet deal, and pretty much a free ride.  Tax breaks and incentives are available to them that aren't available to the poor and middle class.  You can amass huge wealth when you already have huge wealth and are able to write just about all your expenses off to your corporations.

Today's GM offering is a good example, by the way, of a sweet deal that they have access to that the We The People can't get anywhere near.  That stock offering wasn't available to the small investor, despite the fact that it was us and our money that bailed GM out.

The rich, corporations, all are thriving from the bl00d, sweat and tears of the poor and middle classes.
About Bush Tax Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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