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Oil Spill Florida Keys: Scientists Think Oil Has Entered Loop Current And Poses Grave Threat To Reefs

Monday, May 17, 2010

The O-Team. One team of 5 men whose mission of actually stopping the out of control gusher is not their first priority:

==Chu said he’s tasked his team to develop “plan B, C, D, E and F” in addition to finding a way to stop the oil leak.==


Just like the hose that BP managed to put into place just takes a small amount of the oil gushing from the center of the leak (not 'polluted' with any seawater which makes the oil unsalable), this group appears to be tasked with coming up with a way to harvest for use/sale the oil gushing & saving offshore oil drilling.

The environmental catastrophe of this is a secondary or last concern, & we know this because there are no chemical experts on this team dealing with the toxic pollutants that BP's dumping into the gulf (nor is this administration prohibiting BP's continued use of them).

Many teams are needed, including allowing outside scientists into the area to monitor what's going on & having the Army Corps of Engineers take over the operation.

How many more weeks of oil gushing into those waters before 0bamabots question Obama's not pulling out all of the stops to deal with this catastrophe? Why is Obama more concerned with protecting BP's proprietary equipment and methods than the lives and well being of the American people?
About Gulf Oil Spill
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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