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Obama Afghanistan Speech Addresses Course For Troop Withdrawal

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Here are some facts though. Obama DID campaign on escalating in Afghanista­n


Actually, he didn't.

At the time when Afghanista­n was relevant with regard to 9/11, when the US military let Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda escape from Tora Bora over the mountains into Pakistan, Candidate Obama talked about his having supported the war in Afghanista­n.

Candidate Obama's talk about Afghanista­n was always framed in terms of the past. And Candidate Obama was always equivocal about what he would do as president, because "nobody can predict what conditions on the ground and in the world would be like after 1/20/09".

Obama left it up to listeners to infer whatever they wanted, believe whatever they needed to believe about him in order to get their votes.

Now we know that Obama is an agent of the Establishm­ent Elites.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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