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Gay Rights Activists Accuse Obama Of Silent Homophobia (VIDEO)

Monday, November 15, 2010

You're really going to try to argue that it's ok to discriminate against gays because others are worse off when it comes to discrimination?

I hold membership in several discrimina­ted-agains­t groups (and 'gay' isn't one of them), and all of them are "visible".  Does that trump your one membership?  

I think you need to rethink your opinion, because you're as wrong and big0ted as those who you would say are r@c!st.  I recommend you read a book written back in 1970 by Jerry Farber.  I can't even give you the title of (the link with the title in it doesn't appear to make it past the moder@t0rs here --  The title was offensive as h3II back then, but you can imagine what kind of a reception it would get now).  Used copies are available through Amazon (search books at amazon.com by Jerry Farber).

It talked about how different interest groups are bought off in order to get that magic 50 +1. The DLC-controlled Democrats are not looking to satisfy all of us; just enough of us to get legislation passed.  And they will use any tactics they can, including having us at war with each other so as to distract our attention from them and their real constituents (transnational corporations).  

Don't fall for it.  Don't go down that road, that you're more oppressed than somebody else.  Until you live in someone else's skin, you have no idea what h3ll living in their skin can be like.
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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