"..parents can behave like dictators of sorts, at least until the children become adolescents, the president can't.
The president can't simply banish the kids to their rooms, put the tipped over glass in the sink, remove the other glasses before they tip over, and then proceed to mop up the floor. He has to try to deal with the situation in motion as it evolves.
The presidential equivalent of the solution that you're suggesting would be his declaring Martial Law. My daughter's solution, and mine, and I think anyone who appreciates that the task at hand is to clean up the juice, and it doesn't require all that much muscle (and certainly not the imposition of Martial Law) -- You take the glasses off the tabletop, wipe down the top of the table, the legs, the floor, and you're done.
Where did this line ("presidents can't be or shouldnt' be dictators") continually crops up in Obama's 'most ardent supporters' comments originate?
What I find interesting is that, once again, you seem in denial as to things that Obama's done. On the one hand, Obama announces that it's "Congress's job to write the healthcare legislation", and then he unilaterally took single payer off the table, and prevented proponents of it and a public option from the negotiations. That's dictatorial.
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