A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

MoveOn Calls On Obama To Stiffen Spine On Tax Cuts In National Ad

Friday, December 3, 2010

I'll give you another one to show how disingenuo­us Democrats are.  

If Democrats are really so "on the side of the People", wouldn't you think the problem of Blue Dogs would be one that they'd like to solve (Solve=Get­ting rid of them)?  That is what's at the core of why they claim they can't deliver on their promises, isn't it?  Google Chuck Hagel, ES&S, AIS (American Informatio­n Systems) and then let's talk.  

If HP had no word limits, I'd use up all the bandwidth with examples for you.  

I have absolutely no doubt at all that there are profession­al political operatives in the Democratic Party with good intentions­.  The problem is that they haven't got a chance.  They will never get anywhere near being able to make the difference­, save the day, the party and the country.  At best, they're like Miep Gies.  Perhaps a Raoul Wallenberg shows up every once in a while, but what's needed (a D-Day, a massive coordinate­d effort, an invasion and a purging) isn't going to happen.  Obama was supposed to be that 'D-Day' that took the DLC out (the Clintons, Joe Lieberman)­, but he's was a quisling.  

It becomes more impossible with each election cycle.  We The People aren't even a factor any longer - If none of us showed up to vote, elections would still be declared valid, with winners and losers.  The Citizens United decision took care of what the electronic voting machines with proprietar­y software didn't, and provides the cover for, "How is it possible that citizens would vote against their own best interests, time after time?"  

Neither party has the desire or the intention of doing anything about Citizens United.
About Bush Tax Cuts
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost


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