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Friday, October 29, 2010
In 2004, DonaldRumsfeld commissioned a task force to study what causes terr0r!sm, & it concluded that "Muslims do not 'hate our freedom,' but rather, they hate our policies": Specifically, "American direct intervention in the Muslim world" through our "one sided support in favor of Israel"; support for Islamic tyrannies in places like Egypt & SaudiArabia; &, most of all, "the American occupation of Iraq & Afghanistan". [report here - http://www
A new, comprehensive study substantiates what's been known by our government for many years: That the prime cause of suicide bombings isn't "hatred of our freedoms" or inherent violence in islamic culture or a desire for worldwide sharia rule, but rather foreign military occupations.
As GlennGreenwald said:
"Muslims dislike it when foreign militaries bomb, invade & occupy their countries, & Western powers interfere in their internal affairs by overthrowing & covertly manipulating their governments, imposing sanctions that kill hundreds of thousands of Muslim children, & arming their enemies. Therefore, the solution to terr0rism is to interfere more in their countries by continuing to occupy, bomb, invade, a$$ass!nate, lawlessly imprison & control them, because that's the only way we can stay safe. There are people over there who are angry at us for what we're doing in their world, so we need to do much more of it to eradicate the anger. That's the core logic of the war on terr0r."
About Terrorism
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