A repository for Marcospinelli's comments and essays published at other websites.

Elections 2010 LIVE Updates

Friday, October 29, 2010

Al Gore won. Gore got more votes in Florida. Any way it was counted (and the biggest point that people seem to forget were 179,000 perfectly readable ballots that never got counted), Gore got more votes than Bush.


That was a stolen election.

Had Nader not run the outcome would have been the same. If the means to getting Bush-Cheney into office required a close election and Nader not been running, some other means would have been used. The powers that be were not going to let Gore win, no matter what, and gamed it innumerable ways.

For pity's sake, the CIA was working on GOP absentee ballots in the weeks leading up to election day in Florida. Jeb Bush & Katherine Harris had been working for two years to purge voters from the polls.

Do people forget all the different ways that that election was gamed by the GOP, and all of the ways that the Democratic establishment abandoned Gore? And that's just in Florida, and just the ways that we learned about because of legal proceedings in the post-election days.
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