Elections 2010 LIVE Updates
Friday, October 29, 2010
I can understand how that might seem that way to the simple-minded with poor reading comprehension skills.
What I have said is:
"You are not limited to voting for just Democrats and Republicans. There are other alternatives besides sitting out the election or voting for Republicans. There are other candidates running as independents, from Green to Libertarian, in just about every race."
I have also said:
"Obama, RahmEmanuel, the DLC, DavidAxelrod, DavidPlouffe, all have worked their butts off to prevent real progressives getting into office", scheming instead to put candidates into office who are to the right of the Democrats running, even if they're not Democrats. Examples included Blanche Lincoln, Arlen Specter, Charlie Crist, Lincoln Chaffee.
Obama is so desperate to move the Democratic Party even farther to the right than it already is that he isn't even pretending that he wants more progressives, or even more Democrats in the Congress.
What goals did you set for a Democratic
Read the Article at HuffingtonPost
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